Board Of Directors:
President: Steve Jaillet Vice-President: Ingrid Bower
Treasurer: Lara Renner Secretary: Patty Richards
Member-At-Large: Jaye Foucher, Paul Therrieault, Caitlin
By-laws (Original – July 23, 2006) Amended
Name: The name of the club shall be North Country
Officers: The Officers of the club shall be
President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. All
officers shall be elected (majority vote) by the
membership present at the Annual Meeting and serve two
year terms. President and Secretary shall be elected in
even numbered years. Vice President and Treasurer shall
be elected in odd numbered years.
The President shall preside at all meetings, preserve
order and promote the purpose of the club.
The Vice-President shall fill the role of President in
the absence of the President and serve as Special Event
The Secretary shall provide a record of the business and
affairs of the club and shall be responsible for the
preservation of those records.
The Treasurer shall record all debts and assets of the
club. A true and accurate record of all monies and any
property shall be maintained.
Board of Directors: The seven person Board of
Directors shall consist of the four Officers and three
Member-at-Large who shall be appointed by the Officers
subsequent to their election at the Annual Meeting. The
three Member-at-Large shall serve a one-year term but
may be re-appointed by the Officers.
The Board shall be entrusted with the club's affairs.
The Board shall be responsible to the Purpose of the
club and to the membership.
All decisions regarding club affairs shall be decided by
a majority vote of at least a quorum of the Board.
A quorum shall consist of four members of the Board.
Annual Meeting: A general meeting of members
shall be held during the months of September or October
each year at a time and place to be decided upon by the
Board. Newly elected officers will transition chairs on
the First of November. The business of the club shall be
reported. Elections for officers shall be held. Business
shall be conducted as deemed necessary by the Board and
Special Club Meetings: Special meetings may be
called by the Board or a majority vote of the membership
as required or desired.
Board Meetings: Meetings of the Board shall be
held at a frequency, location, and time as selected by
the Board. Meetings shall be held often enough to ensure
the promotion of the club's Purpose.
Amendment of Bylaws: Bylaw review shall occur at
the Annual Meeting. Amendments shall require a minimum
two-thirds vote of the assembled membership.
Meeting Minutes