Events Calendar

Pond Of Safety Sled Dog Race, Jefferson, NH - January 25/26, 2025

Two separately times races (Saturday & Sunday)

Classes being offered: 4-6 Dog (7 miles), 6-8 dog (12 miles)

Entry Fee: $20 per team for weekend (even if you race one day), NCM membership required to race.  If you are NOT a current NCM member, please join when you send in your race entry.

Please pay your appropriate entry fee via PAYPAL to

- ENTRY FORM - (Entries closed if you have not already entered a team, you can add additional teams but we cannot take anymore new trucks due to parking lot size)

Time: 9:00 AM Drivers Meeting - 10:00 AM Race Start. 

Class Order:  The 12 mile/8 dog teams will go out first.  After they all return there will be a break and the 7 mile/6 dog teams will go out.  Many people are running a team in each class, also this gives us all time to help the other mushers to the start.

Mandatory Gear: Each sled should have a working brake, snow hook & sled bag. To be carried on the person or in the sled: Fire starter, knife & working headlamp.

Race start is the snowmobile parking lot, Pond of Safety Road, off of Ingerson Road, Jefferson NH, parking image is below.  This trail is also a snowmobile trail so bright colors on dogs are recommended and try and keep your dogs to the right!

Parking Limit: Parking is limited, first come first serve on entries up to 15 trucks.  If teams can share trucks that helps.  We are limited to 3 trailers (we are already at our trailer limit so cannot accept anymore trailer entries, sorry!)

Bathroom: There is no porta potty at the race.

Volunteers: Help is always welcome and much appreciated!  We could use more ATV's to help get teams to the line!!

Questions?  Contact Patty at

Parking (click image below for larger version)


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